Friday, February 29, 2008


Local Ingredients
Eggs from Livengood's at Reading Terminal
Spinach from Rineer Family Farm
Red Pepper from Highland Orchards at Fitler Square

If you have never seen Julia Child make an omelette, it is well worth renting her French Chef DVD just for the pure ease at which she can make an omelette in 30 seconds. She of course recommends serving an omelette for lunch with white wine and a light salad. For breakfast, I recommend slicing small french potatoes (from Rineer) into very thin slices and frying in olive oil with salt.

Saute sliced peppers in olive oil and salt until just cooked. Add a handful of spinach, mix into peppers and add water to make spinach wilt. Transfer to plate.

Beat 2 eggs with a teaspoon of water, plenty of black pepper and a pinch of salt. Heat the same pan over high heat and add butter. The butter will foam and then start to turn brown. At this point, add eggs to the center of the pan and shake and swirl the pan to distribute the eggs. Hold it steady over the heat for 2-3 seconds to let the eggs set. Spread spinach and peppers in middle of the omelette (quickly) and then jerk the pan towards you, pushing the eggs towards one side of the pan. Continue this jerking motion until the omelette folds over on itself. Jerk again to get the other side to turn over onto itself (watch the video). Turn out onto plate and enjoy.

Variation: add local cheese of any variety. Or skip fillings all together and sprinkle with mixed herbs.